Bride is shocked after receiving most disgusting wedding gift

14:42   19 April, 2024

Wedding gifts can be strange, unnecessary, funny. But they can rarely be called disgusting or nauseating. However, this is exactly the gift the American newlyweds received, who were shocked by the gift from one of the groom’s best men.

The newlywed shared her worries on a popular wedding planning group on Facebook. And this story was brought to the attention of The New York Post

“I wish it was a joke. This is the rudest wedding ‘gift’ I could ever imagine, and it’s on my kitchen table,” the bride said, revealing that one of the groomsmen gave them a paperweight made from…cut toenails.

“He [that same best man] always gave me terrible emotions,” she wrote. “I just opened his gift and I’m literally beside myself.”

Also, the giver left a note in the package explaining how hard he worked to create the gift.

“To my favorite couple... Your husband was such a rude dude in college. He always left clipped nails all over the dorm. Guess who's been collecting them for eight years, almost since you've been dating? I added a few of my own and formed them into a brick structure. The hardness is due to the fact that I added concrete adhesive.”

“Now your husband will never forget his college days and you will be the only bride in the US who has a paperweight with nails,” he wrote.

The cut nails greatly bothered the bride, and she asked members of the wedding group to “comfort” her.

Meanwhile, someone from the Facebook group spread the news on Reddit. Many said they wished they didn't have to deal with the disgusting retelling.