Doctor: 'Kim should reduce her hectic lifestyle in order to increase her chances

11:01   26 March, 2015

Medical Director at CRGH - a leading fertility clinic in London, - Mr Paul Serhal, speaking to new! magazine, said: 'Kim should reduce her hectic lifestyle in order to increase her chances.'

Kim - who has been flying all over the world over fashion month, starring in shoots and tending to the needs of her one-year-old daughter - needs to take a break, says Mr Serhal.

'Flying is a common cause of infertility in high-profile, professional women because it can impact on the regularity of the ovulation cycle. 

Ovulation time is critical because women aren’t fertile throughout the whole month.This is another reason IVF could be a good option for Kim. You collect ten or 11 eggs and effectively pack one year of ovulation into one IVF cycle of treatment.'

Mr Serhal believes that thanks to her age, Kim, who has already proved she can conceive naturally, would have a very good chance of getting pregnant with IVF.

He explains that women in their 30s - like Kim - have a 60 per cent chance of conceiving through IVF.