Today is International Day of Orgasm

12:22   22 December, 2012

Today is International Day of Orgasm. Fans of the holiday urge all people to celebrate it in bed and have an orgasm with their partner. They believe that a splash of positive energy from sexual burst of many people will have a beneficial impact on the Earth and save it from natural disasters, war and disease.

However, not everybody can experience this feeling. In Great Britain, the survey of 2,000 women showed that 70% of them have never experienced an orgasm. And at the same time, 80% of those who did not experience orgasm, admitted that they pretended to have experienced it, that is pretended to. Some women did not want to hurt their partner, and the second reason was the desire to quickly finish the sex.

They say that cold women do not exist, but there are those who have not been ‘woken up’. Loving and skillful lover is able to awaken the desire and ability to have fun in any situation.

However, statistics show that a considerable part of modern men are selfish in bed, not caring about the pleasure of their partner. Therefore, according to the experts, one should have sex with the trusted person, in whose presence there is no fear to be liberated, to look ugly. It is also important to tune in to the closeness, focus on the process itself. Do not think about other things and feel free to ask a partner to touch you where you like.