Night side of relationships

23:26   31 December, 2012

In a relationship, everything is interconnected: the color of bed sheets and mood in bed, temperament and quality of sex, sex itself and rendered trash... What? What does the trash have to do with this? You will be outraged... and you’d be wrong.

As the doctor-sexologist of sexology clinic in Yerevan State Medical University Vrezh Shahramanyan told STYLE, many couples do not share the “night” and “day” phase of their relationship.

“If you feel hurt and do not want to have sex, tell your partner about the reasons for your behavior, but try not to reproach him for his ‘day’ habits. Try in daily life to avoid phrases such as ‘You always ...’, ‘You never ...’, ‘How many times do I have to say ...’ and in the ‘bed’ conversations discard them altogether. The fact is that such phrases sound too much like a reproach. And this is the longest way to understand each other – the partner gets too little information, and a lot of negative emotions,” Vrezh Shahramanyan said.

In talking about sex in the ‘night’ period of life you should use twice the tact and caution, because the grief of rendered bin is much easier to live through than the disappointment associated with the failed and long-awaited sex.