If Full Out War Breaks Out I Will Come There to Help: Hollywood Actor Marco Khan

10:01   6 April, 2016

We have already represented Marco Khan’s Facebook status on the situation in Nagorno Karabakh Republic. In his speech the actor announced:

«To MY Armenian brothers and sister soldiers who are fighting and defending a much bigger and better equipped forces of Azerbaijan who aggressively are trying to take what does NOT belong to them! But what the Azeri's don't understand is that this Armenian army has a huge heart and is defending our historic and ancestor's land in Karabakh! BRAVO to my Armenian brothers and sisters for standing up against tyranny ,greed and aggression led by a power hungry Azeri DICTATOR who has and is sucking the wealth from his own country and is using the war against Armenia to cover up or redirect his and his family's stealing from their own people! USA should NOT reward this maniac Aliyev with anything.

May the Good Lord keep you safe and protect you always».

In addition to NEWS.am STYLE’s report on his post, Marco Khan again expressed his support and added:

«It’s my duty and honor. If full out war breaks out I will come there to help!».

Syune Arakelyan