Elizabeth II scolds Kate Middleton for unsuccessful outfits

12:06   19 April, 2019

Kate Middleton and Meghan Markle allow themselves to deviate from the strict rules in dress, applicable to members of the British monarchy. This is fully justified: after all, modern fashion dictates its own, and royal prohibitions are already outdated.

Strict rules and restrictions apply to Kate Middleton, said the expert on the royal family, a British journalist Ashley Pearson, International Business Times reported. 

“Kate Middleton has a whole other set of rules and restrictions because she’s going to be Queen,” she said adding: “She and Meghan are not on the same page. Kate Middle ton has to wear the skirts at a certain length. The Queen is regularly, allegedly, giving notes if she doesn’t like a certain hem or a certain outfit on Kate, or certain color tights,” she added.

That is why Kate dresses much more modest, preferring those favored by royal brands, while Meghan Markle is experimenting with fashion brands and designers.

Photos: Getty Images, Legion-media