Game of Thrones: Euron Greyjoy actor teases possible dragon twist

15:45   10 May, 2019

One of the leading actors of the Game of Thrones eighth season decided to tease fans with the spoiler of the fifth episode. Now, on Instagram, Pilou Asbaek, who plays Euron Greyjoy, has teased a big twist that could see the arrival of another dragon, despite Drogon being Daenerys’ last surviving child.

“Gone with the wind….!!!? Maybe…. can’t wait for episode 5….there will be light! And death…. and coffee cups… Oreos…?…you might see a dragon…or two…or none…”

As the Daily Mail tabloid reported, many users are convinced that one of the dragons has cubs.

The fourth episode of the Game of Thrones has many surprises, but fans are discussing a funny blunder as they have noticed an unusual object appearing on the table in front of Daenerys for a couple of seconds. Dragon Queen drinks Starbucks coffee from a disposable paper cup!