Ed Sheeran suffers with anxiety

17:16   15 July, 2019

British singer Ed Sheeran said that he suffers with anxiety and reduced his circle of friends to four people and got rid of the phone, The Sun reported. 

The 28-year-old singer admitted: “I get anxiety every day.”

Эд Ширан

According to him, he expressed his frustration at people talking to him with the sole intention of having a photograph.

Музыкант чувствует себя неловко, когда поклонники хотят с ним сфотографироваться

“It puts you down to earth and you’re just 15 likes on Instagram. That’s all you are. I was at a Marilyn Manson show and a man shook my hand and said he liked my music, and that was it. That was so nice. Like if I am eating in a restaurant now, I would prefer to have a private room because if I eat in the public room I have people filming me while I’m eating my food. You feel like a zoo animal. I don’t mean to complain, I have a cool job and life. But I just want to avoid that,” he said.

Photo: Legion-Media