Prince Harry tells Jane Goodall he wants to have two kids ‘maximum’

12:57   31 July, 2019

As Meghan Markle was the guest Vogue “Forces for Change” editor, Prince Harry also decided to help his wife and took an exclusive interview with the famous primatologist, ethologist and anthropologist Jane Goodall, Vogue reported. 

The 34-year-old grandson of Queen Elizabeth II said in an interview that he and his wife, Meghan Markle, wanted to have only two children!

“Two maximum! But I’ve always thought: this place is borrowed. And, surely, being as intelligent as we all are, or as evolved as we all are supposed to be, we should be able to leave sometime  better behind for the next generation,” he said.

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He added that he has little different views with his brother William regarding paternity. What exactly was meant by the Duke of Sussex, is unknown, and fans of the royal family are already waiting for the September edition to find out all secrets.