Prince Harry and Meghan Markle in pub with their 4-month-old son

18:11   19 September, 2019

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry took Archie's four-month-old son to The Rose & Crown Pub in Windsor - the news about this appeared on the network back in late August, but only today TMZ had photos from that day.

The visit of the Duchess of Sussex was unexpected, therefore for the royal couple there was neither a reserved table, nor a private arbor.

The family dined quite densely, and Prince Harry allowed himself to drink a couple of mugs of local beer.

According to eyewitnesses, the dukes spent about two hours in the pub, and during this time the baby never cried. From ordinary mortals, the family was distinguished only by the presence of security - two bodyguards and two police officers.

Герцогів Сассекських супроводжували охоронці

Before the birth of a son, future parents gave up alcohol and gave preference to a healthy lifestyle. Then, according to insiders, the royal couple ate vegetables and cereals, and they steamed meat or fish for them.