Lady Gaga talks about violence again, provides shocking details

15:17   7 January, 2020

Lady Gaga has opened up about how she was a victim of violence. The singer suffered from a post-traumatic disorder for years. Lady Gaga was Oprah Winfrey’s first guest in 2020. She appeared to an audience of 15,000 people with pink hair, glasses and a black suit and shocked her fans with her frankness.

Born in New York, the singer confessed that she was a victim of rape when she was 19 and said even though she had known the man since childhood, the man was older than her. “I was often raped when I was 19, and that’s why I developed post-traumatic stress disorder. Unfortunately, this is an incurable disease,” Lady Gaga said, adding that she still has terrible headaches.

The singer, who received an Oscar for Best Song in the film “A Star is Born”, declared that a person’s mental health is as important as physical health and one can’t ignore such problems.

Lady Gaga’s words made the queen of talk shows shed a tear. Oprah Winfrey wasn’t able to hold back her tears, and after the show, she went into her guest’s room and expressed her support. “You were so wonderful. I would have never thought that something like this could have happened to you. I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” Oprah said and hugged the singer.

This actually wasn’t the first time Lady Gaga was talking about what had happened to her since she had opened up during Howard Stern’s show in December 2019.

Source and photos: Cosmo, Rolling Stone, jessicaboots3, Gettyimages|Christopher Polk|NBC