Elon Musk suspected of giving Amber Heard bruises, Daily Mail reports

11:11   14 July, 2020

Elon Musk could have given Amber Heard cuts and bruises during an affair, Daily Mail reported

Earlier, Amber Heard said on May 21, 2016, she became a victim of domestic violence by her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, as the latter allegedly launched a mobile phone into her.

In the meantime, Trinity Esparza, who ran security at the building, reported that after the alleged attack she did not see any bruises on the actress's face. According to her, they appeared only a week later when Depp left the country.

Alejandro Romero, the building's security officer, said that Musk had visited Heard repeatedly. Romero explained that the billionaire visited the actress several times in two weeks.

"Musk was a regular visitor to Amber Heard's LA penthouse, arriving at 11pm and still there at 1am," The Daily Mail reported.