Persons in Norway to be sentenced to up to one year in prison for retouching photos

10:02   14 July, 2021

The Norwegian parliament has passed a new law that requires content creators to disclose information about whether published photos have been edited or retouched. The innovation concerns ads on Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, TikTok, and Twitter.

Accordingly, if the blogger or influencer has edited the photos, in particular, changed the size of the body or face, improve its appearance, used a filter or a mask, he is obliged to publish it on the Internet with a note about editing.

This measure was taken because of a number of precedents when people were exposed to the influence of advertising on the Internet and were deceived. The Norwegian Ministry of Health and Care Services states that anorexia is one of the three most common causes of death among teenage girls.

Now, when a public figure publishes a retouched photo in Norway, there must be a special label on the publication which informs the followers about it. Otherwise, the blogger faces up to one year in prison.

The Norwegian parliament voted in favor of the new law, but its entry into force will be decided by King Harald V of Norway.

Similar measures have already been taken in France and the UK.

Photo: Super