Get Get Down song author dies aged 51

14:59   5 August, 2021

The famous house musician from Chicago Paul Johnson, the author of the hit Get Get Down, has passed away aged 51, Mirror reports with reference to the artist's agent.

At the end of July, Paul Johnson was admitted to the intensive care unit with coronavirus infection COVID-19. Whether the death of the musician is related to the coronavirus has not yet been specified.

In total, Paul Johnson has about a hundred albums and other releases.

The most famous composition of the musician is the hit Get Get Down, released in 1999.

Since 1987, Paul Johnson has been disabled.  He was seriously injured in a shootout, after which he remained paralyzed from the waist down. Years after being immobilized, he needed amputations: in 2003, the musician was amputated his left leg, and in 2010, his right.

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