Exclusive: Arthur Gourounlian reveals details on Tamar Kaprelian’s upcoming performance for Depi Evratesil

13:31   4 December, 2017

“Different and visually mind-blowing”, this is how famous choreographer and creative director Arthur Gourounlian describes Tamar Kaprelian’s upcoming entry for Depi Evratesil, for which the singer has collaborated not only with Arthur, but also with famous musicians Sebu and Der Hova.

Arthur is going to be the creative director of Tamar’s performance. In his interview with NEWS.am STYLE the famous choreographer revealed some details on their collaboration for Depi Evratesil.

“Tamar and I got introduced by a mutual friend in London. We then became very close, and our friendship built from there. I have just moved to the US and Tamar and I went out for dinner and that’s when she told me she might be submitting a song to Depi Evratesil and she wanted me to be her creative director / choreographer. I said, “Of course”. How could I not accept this offer? She is amazing”,-says Arthur, adding.

“As per every competition, no one can predict what could happen. But when I heard the song I was like, “This is a HIT”. So I am crossing all my fingers that the Armenian population will fall in love with the song and Tamar, just like I did”.

Arthur and Tamar have already planned something for the competition, and the choreographer is sure,  “It is going to be something very different and visually mind-blowing. It will showcase a totally different side of Tamar from what the public will expect from her”.

We also spoke about Eurovision and its unpredictable victories.

“As we have seen over the years, Eurovision is changing every year music wise. When you think this is a hit song and you are 100% sure it’s a winner, then BAM everything goes in an entirely different direction. These days you need a song that people can remember, and it touches them somehow, or has a catchy chorus that everyone can sing and dance along to”.

Apart from concentrating on Depi Evratesil, Arthur is also working with Tamar on her new music video. “It will be hopefully released next year, so stay tuned everyone. I also have a couple of things in the pipeline in America so I’m very excited”.

Syune Arakelyan