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Flowers for the home and beyond: 3 houseplants that cannot be ‘killed’

20:22, August 2

I have always loved houseplants and have always envied people who have lush, blooming plants. Unlike me. I am a “plant killer.” Even if I water them regularly and follow the instructions given to me by the seller, they die within two weeks. However, I recently discovered that there are houseplants for people like me. They cannot be killed. Here are three low-maintenance houseplants that do not require complex care and sunlight.


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Sansevieria is also known as the snake plant or mother-in-law’s tongue. This evergreen plant is a good choice for beginners because it tolerates a variety of growing conditions. Sansevieria grows best with 8-10 hours of indirect sunlight or a few hours of direct sunlight in the early morning.

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Too much direct sunlight can burn the plant and damage its leaves, but too little light can stunt growth and weaken the plant’s color. Sansevieria prefer a loose, well-drained soil mix. They do well in sandier soil, so all-purpose cactus soil is a good choice. Water the snake plant when the soil is completely dry, and be sure to water it generously. In winter, check the plant’s soil mix every two weeks or so—at this time of year, the plant may only need watering once a month.

Remember that overwatering is the fastest way to kill it.


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This houseplant is also known as the peace lily or white sail. According to legend, the Greek goddess of love endowed the flower with a special gift—to bring happiness and love to girls and women. It is believed that with the appearance of a spathiphyllum in the home, its owner’s love life improves.

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This green diva thrives in low light, so you can forget about finding the perfect spot by the window. It is very unpretentious, even if you do not water it on a schedule; just a little drooping, it shows that it needs water. Spathiphyllum will forgive your forgetfulness and recover like a champion. Just a lazy gardener's dream!


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Chlorophytum, or spider plant, is one of the most easily adaptable indoor plants. This plant is known for purifying the air and increasing the level of humidity. Chlorophytum kills bacteria and viruses, and cleans the air of harmful impurities: acetone, formaldehyde, lead, mercury vapor. If you place chlorophytums around the apartment, breathing will become noticeably easier.

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These beautiful indoor plants will thrive both indoors and outdoors with minimal care. They need well-drained soil and indirect light, and with these elements they will put up with a certain degree of neglect. Water them well, but in moderation. Overwatering is fraught with root rot. In fact, these plants prefer to dry out a little between waterings.


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