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Bright individuality of young Armenian artists at exhibition at Narekatsi Art Institute

20:18, July 2

The “Individuality” exhibition opened at the Narekatsi Art Institute, where the works of young artists Ashot Torosyan, Arega Torosyan and Helen Simonyan were presented under the guidance of their teacher, Arevik Arakelyan. This event has attracted the attention of both art lovers and professionals. The exhibition was a great opportunity to see how young talents bring their ideas to life on canvas.

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Arevik Arakelyan, presenting the works of her students, noted: “The most important thing in young artists is their honesty, their self-expression.” And indeed, every work presented at the exhibition is imbued with sincerity and spontaneity.

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The paintings of the youngest artist Arega Torosyan amaze with their brightness and openness. In her works you can see a world of fantasy and imagination, where unexpected shapes and colors are combined, and they immerse the viewer in a world of childish spontaneity and joy.

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The creativity of the older participant Ashot Torosyan is already distinguished by a more mature approach. His works demonstrate deep thoughtfulness of compositions and subtle use of light and shade. Each of these paintings shows potential for further professional growth.

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Experts noted the high level of preparation of the participants and the originality of their work: “The quality of the student’s work depends on the teacher. The worst thing you can do is force a child to copy, especially the greats.”

The “Individuality” exhibition opened up the multifaceted world of young art to the audience. Each work shows a unique style and desire for self-expression. These works demonstrate the potential of young artists and give hope for their successful future in the art world.

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The opening ceremony ended with the congratulations of the founder and head of the Narekatsi Institute of Arts, Narek Harutyunyan, and to one of the exhibition participants, Arega Torosyan. Two other participants, unfortunately, could not attend the opening, but those who wish will still be able to meet and communicate with young talents, since the exhibition is open until Friday.

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Narek Harutyunyan discusses the paintings with Arega, expressing his admiration for her creative approach and the depth of her work. As a sign of appreciation and support for her talent, the head of the center gave her a book of fairy tales with colorful illustrations so that she could draw inspiration for her future works.


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