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Yerevan Wine Days 2024

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Wine Story: Wine and movie night - choosing drink to match film genre

19:42, May 25

When it’s time for a cozy movie night, it’s important not only to choose an interesting film, but also to choose a drink that will add atmosphere and highlight the theme of the movie you’re watching. After all, how nice it is to enjoy every frame under the cover of wine, which will emphasize emotions and enrich the viewing experience. Let's figure out which wines are ideal for different film genres and how to create an evening full of delicious emotions and exciting stories.

Jazz and drama: Moments of true harmony

If your choice is drama or movie noir, choose a wine with medium or full body, with rich fruity notes. Red varieties such as Merlot or Shiraz can complement intense moments in a story. Are you watching Casablanca? Try a classic red wine from the Bordeaux region, with this masterpiece.

Our recommendation is Dulong Merlot-Cabernet, a wine with a soft, harmonious taste, rich fruity tones, velvety tannins, and pleasant creamy nuances that complement the persistent aftertaste; it costs about 5,000 drams in Yerevan stores.

Melodrama: Romance and sensuality

For melodramatic evenings filled with romance and sensuality, light and fruity white and rosé wines are ideal. For example, Riesling, with its fresh and aromatic notes, will add tenderness and emotional depth to your evening. Treat yourself and your partner to a movie night with Titanic, or Breakfast at Tiffany's, accompanied by a king of white wines.

We recommend treating yourself to the delicate and fresh New Zealand Riesling Villa Maria Private Bin; on the Yerevan shelves its price is approximately 6,200 drams.

Comedy: Fun and carefree

For evenings filled with laughter and joy, choose light and fresh wines. White wines with notes of citrus or green apples, such as Sauvignon Blanc or Pinot Grigio, pair well with comedies and romantic comedies. Add Love and Other Troubles to your film list, and for this movie holiday, open a bottle of light white wine, such as the Italian Kris Pinot Grigio with the seductive aroma of acacia, apricot and almond, which will cost you 4,000 drams.

Science fiction and adventure: In search of new experiences

If you prefer sci-fi or action-adventure movies, then you should consider wines with bright fruit notes and hints of spice. Red varieties, such as Cabernet Sauvignon or Grenache, will give your evening stellar moments and unique adventures. Watch The Matrix or The Avengers under the light, dizzying trail of Marcel Martin Cabernet Sauvignon, which is available at a very budget price: 3,900 drams.

Horror and thrillers: Breathtaking adrenaline

The horror and thriller genre movies require a special approach to choosing wine. The optimal choice would be red varieties with medium body and soft tannins, which will highlight tense moments and add a touch of mystery. Try a glass of 19 Crimes The Banished Dark Red with the film Psycho, from Alfred Hitchcock, with a deep ruby color, intense taste, and astringent velvety tannins. In general, if you still have enough to drink something while watching, then don’t skimp and enhance your viewing experience for 6,500 drams.


Liana Aghajanyan


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